Friday, December 20, 2013

[转帖] 看懂了,等于读了3年MBA!

[转帖] 看懂了,等于读了3年MBA!


他不懂得只有春天播种,秋天才会收获。很多人在做任何事情的时候,刚刚付出一点点,马上就要得到回报。(学钢琴,学英语等等,刚开始就觉得难,发现不行, 立即就要放弃。)很多人做生意,开始没有什么成绩,就想着要放弃,有的人一个月放弃,有的人三个月放弃,有的人半年放弃,有的人一年放弃,我不明白人们为 什么轻易放弃,但是我知道,放弃是一种习惯,一种典型失败者的习惯。所以说你要有眼光,要看得更远一些,眼光是用来看未来的!
2、总想 “一夜暴富”。
今天你把什么机会都放到他的面前,他都会说 “不”。就是今天你开饭店很成功,你把你开饭店的成功经验,发自内心的告诉你的亲朋好友,让他们也去开饭店,你能保证他们每个人都会开饭店吗?是不是照样有人不干。
所以这是穷人一个非常典型的心态,他会说:“你行,我可不行!”。一夜暴富的表现在于,你跟他说任何的生意,他的第一个问题就是 “挣不挣钱”,你 说 “挣钱”,他马上就问第二个问题 “容易不容易”,你说 “容易”,这时他跟着就问第三个问题 “快不快”,你说 “快”!这时他就说 “好,我 做!”呵呵,你看,他就这么的幼稚!
大家想一想,在这个世界上有没有一种: “又挣钱,又容易,又快的”,没有的,即使有也轮不到我们啊,所以说在生活中,我们一定要懂得付出。那为什 么你要付出呢?因为你是为了追求你的梦想而付出的,人就是为了希望和梦想活着的,如果一个人没有梦想,没有追求的话,那一辈子也就没有什么意义了!





如果你想成功,一定要学会管理好这五个因素,为什么把情绪放在第一位呢?把健康放在第二位呢?是因为如果你再强的身体,如果你情绪不好,就会影响到 你的身体,现在一个人要成功20%靠的是智商,80%靠的是情商,所以你要控制好你的情绪,情绪对人的影响是非常大的。人与人之间,不要为了一点点小事 情,就暴跳如雷,这样是不好的。
所以在生活中,你要养成什么样的心态呢?你要养成 “三不”,“三多”:
即使他们的确有毛病,那应该怎么办呢?这时是不是应该给他们建议,在生活中你会发现有这样一个现象,有人给别人建议的时候,别人能够接受,但是有建议的时候别人就会生气。其实建议的方式是最重要的,就是 “三明治” 赞美,建议,再赞美!
0 (1)
其实人和动物之间有很多的相似之处,动物的自我保护意识比人更强(婴儿与小猪)但是,人和动物最大的区别在于,人会学习,人会思考。人是要不断学习的,你 千万不要把你的天赋潜能给埋没了,一定要学习,一定要有一个空杯的心态。我们像谁去学习呢?就是直接向成功人士学习!
你要永远学习积极正面的东西,不看,不听那些消极,负面的东西。一旦你吸收了那些有毒的思想,它会腐蚀你的心灵和人生的。在这个知识经济的时代里, 学习是你通向未来的唯一护照。在这样一个速度,变化,危机的时代,你只有不断的学习你才不会被这个时代所抛弃,一定要有学习,归零的心态。去看每一个人的 优点,“三人行,必有我师也”!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Times make you know a person better

I know her for nearly 2 years (since 7.12.2011). The last day of SPM. I still remember how I knew her. She sent a message to me via fb and then we started to chat and exchange the phone number.

Her mum always told me that if she went out with her friends that day, then maybe we are still a stranger now.

I really appreciate this relationship and I'm very thankful to GOD for letting her came into my life coloring my life.

Because of her I know I need to take care  feelings of others, I must have the responsibilities as a man, and most importantly she make me to know what is LOVE.

Some would say that love is selfless, you would sacrifice everything for her.I agreed in this statement but I would say love is the deep feeling inside your heart that make you a better person. You care for her, and you will never do anythings that depress her.

From the 1st day I knew her, I found there is a big change in her. She started to have her ambitious and also DREAMS. I see so much improvement in her, really proud with her,XF ♥ You are the best in my heart.

I always told XF , everyone has his/her capabilities and one should not underestimate himself/herself. God created us in the same and fair way. You are the only 1 exist in this world, YOU ARE YOU.You have your own uniqueness and your strength. It.takes time to discover.

XF remember what I told you ^_^ We are at the same boat now ,and there is not captain at the boat.Both of us are the same, we have the same strength and let's us roll together. 

I"ll be with you through the darkness and happiness.I hope you will also be around me whenever I'm in trouble and take care of me also :)

XF, Distance does not separate us. It makes our relationship even stronger. I love you XF , you are my girl ♥

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I was so shocked when XF suddenly said why I reply her message so short.She asked me whether I like it or not if she did the same things. I'm blur blur at the moment, then only I realized that she did not received my msg.

I called her for a few times, and she did not want to accept. She put down my call every time. I'm getting nervous and hope that she will not angry with me.

After she finished her lunch, she agreed to listen to my explainations. I explained everything to her, and we solved the misunderstanding among us.

Every time, I told myself it's important to calm down myself and analyses the problems. It's very important to talk with my partner rather than give each other silent treatment.

When we talk out, we know the problem.When we know the problem than only we know how to solve it. When we solve it, we make sure the problem will not re-occur for the next time. Hide the problem, will only make the problem become worsen and the relationship to fade.

Getting into relationship is easy, but how we sustain the relationship is different story :)


Monday, October 14, 2013







过后妈妈带我去买鞋,今天早上出门BLUR BLUR 穿错鞋,一边黑,一边蓝。妈妈看到后带我进Parkson找鞋,选了好久,我选了HUSH PUPPIES。(RM69.99)这是我吃到这样大,买过第一双最贵的鞋!我妈用自己的钱帮我还,当我拿钱给我妈时,她一直说不用不用!鞋很重要!我真的很感动




My 1st day of Y1S2.

早上去等巴士,看到菜头和他的朋友在吃roti canai, 我也去和他们谈谈天。


今天六点多就起床了,因为要去OFFICE 弄时间表的东西。

上了Emotional Intelligence 觉得有点困,因为那个Lecturer要我们去偷拍人家个种个样的emotion==

休息了一小时,就去上Power System ,给一个我喜欢的老师教,MR.WKS。因为他,我的Basic Electronic 得救了!

接下来German Language, 觉得还蛮有兴趣的,给一个幽默女讲师教。她告诉我们关于许多德国的东西.

What I most amazed is this.

There is no maximum speed in this highway but there is minimum speed for it. You will get tickets when You Drive Too SLOW ! Yaya, this is not a joke.


After that, she guided us for few simple words such as Afpel(Apple), Maus(Mouse),
and etc.

What I noticed in her is that she like to say:"Good boy; Yaya"==Lol

Finished my class today at 4pm and went to borrow 2 books for Power System. By the time I walked out from the library, the sky starts to pour out. It's raining cats and dogs. It was too late to realize that I do not carry any umbrealla with me.I ran for a distance.

When I reached home, I went to eat orange then only bath.

Suddenly, my landlord came into my room and said he need a help. He said there are problems for internet. He had called for maintenance and he need me to stay in the room for Wednesday

I agreed. He gave me the task of leader (RM20 discount per month!)


Went Victoria Restaurant to eat with XF's family and her small aunt's family.

XF's mum and small aunt gave me an assignment. They hope that XF's phone can be confisticated until XF finish her STPM, so that she can be focus more and do more preparation.

I was really shocked and definitely felt some stress, because they have totally ignoring me.

After finishing the dinner, we went Sunway for a walk. I didn't talk with XF for a long time until she asked me, do I have any intention to give up in this relationship.

I answered honestly.

I gave XF silent treatment for a few minutes, until I explained to her.

I really no need you to accompany me often. What I needed is just that, you can send me a sms when you want to sleep and so on.

I told XF the secret hide inside myself. I told her everything.

She gave me a hug and said "I LOVE YOU."

This was the 1st time she told me orally. I was really touched. She has hide it for so long, and I waited for nearly 2 years!

We gave each other a Goodbye hug.

XF what I want to tell you is that no matter what is the circumstances and the obstacles staying in front, I'll hold your hand tightly and we will face it and solve it together. I LOVE YOU!

I just want you to be my girl forever.

Let's work harder for our future ! Work together to achieve our dream and targets!

Good Luck XF.I will always be with you throughout the happiness and sadness!

BRO STAY STRONG! 2 more months to go until the next meet!

Friday, October 11, 2013


Today went bank together with siao fong .After that I bought her to eat laksa which I had promised her earlier.












For nearly 2 years , I'm her driver for all of the times.

But yesterday she fetched me home.

Hahaha, I really got some scared.

Miraculously, I arrived home safetly and my mum gave her a few pieces of home made "Guo tie".

3 weeks will ended soon , and it is time to say goodbye again.

I am really appreciate every moments with u^_^ Must take care o! See you in December!

Monday, October 7, 2013











今天和晓风打个勾勾,两个人一定要尊敬对方,为列者必须写悔过书 !

Friday, October 4, 2013






晓凤妈妈请我吃韩国餐(Salmon ,sea weed rice)^_^我和晓凤一人一半,现在每次和晓凤同座都会夹食物给她了,这样她就可以吃多点了^_^









Monday, September 30, 2013



但是因为怕晓凤家里没人所以在她的Taman 外面等她^_^






Sunday, September 29, 2013

Familiy Outing Day

Went kia-kia with my deareat family ^_^

We went Gurney Plaza and Gurney Paragon.

Spent nearly RM 250 today== Lol

Today, I was really happy  as we can go out togwther ^_^When you get bigger, then you will find that sometimes it is really difficult to get all members present. 
So, I really appreciate every moment when we are together.

Lastly, we went to Sushi Zanmai .The food is quite nice and the environment is really comfortable and relaxing . Like it!


Today, we had a brisk walk around the the taman.

Besides, I saw her tropies, so many !

"Wow, Wow" was keep surfacing in my mind and I keep praising my dear. She is so humble ! I will never know if I did not go  upstair ! She never told me before!

Amazed by her and feeling proud at the same time^_^
oday is a day that we will never forget^_^



Thursday, September 26, 2013











Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Spent my 1st week of semester break fruitfully.

Wake up around 6 every morning, and walk around my house to inhale super refreshing air. I feel so good to have a great start of the day !(I'm living in the polluted town for nearly 4 months).

Each day, around 3.30pm, I'll prepare myself and went to teach my dear's brother.

Initially, I was so shocked because Eric does not know nearly everything for Add Math. He has very very little knowledge of it! I wondered what the hell he was doing for nearly 2 years !

But 1 things I have to admit so far is that he is very smart. He can understand the things after I explained. He will erase the solution I did for him, and re-do it again so that he is fully understanding. It is really inspiring me because most of the students nowadays just care about the solutions and do not really bordering of whether they understand the topic or not.

He has the capability, he has the unique in his own way.

He is just influenced by the friends surrounding him, which is addicted to the online games.

He told me a lot of things this few days, and I found that he is very similar with me during the F3 period. That time, I was also addicted to DOTA and can play it non-stop. I fight with my parents and of course some of my friends whi is disagreeing of what I was doing. I ignored them.

My addiction made my mum cried for a few times, and I never ever forget about it. (I got a marked on my hand to indicate for a day when my mum cried in front of me I will never forget!)

Luckily, I knew a friend during F4 who introducing me a book "Secret". For brief, it is a motivational book that tell you  "Nothings is impossible if you believe it"

I quit Dota fully at F4 and become a book worm since then.

I found my interest, I saw the hope and I have my dream along with me. Of course, I found her. My beloved, who accompanying for nearly 2 years already. I thing I must admitted is that I'm deeply in love with her :) I hope I can take care of her ,love her until the end. She is the 1 who give me the strength whenever I was down and frustrated.She has the faith with me.

Most of the times, I'm thinking how to love her, how to help her, and how to prevent myself for doing bad things.

I know she is my girl, I just want to stay with her forever.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Outing day to Queensbay Penang,after nearly four months :) I waited so long to meet her,so miss her!)

Initially, we planned to go for a dancing concert, but once we reached the Easting Hotel, then only we found that we were at the wrong venue,LOL.

We just walked around and chit-chatting non-stop:) There is always so many things to talk ! (Yesterday, she was so shy! Haha, her face and nose always got red so easily!)

After that, we went to buy couple shirt ^^
We plan to wear together during December :) Our PROMISE...

  Then, Sushi time again, which I promised her earlier...Finally, I can saw her eating a bit more(She always get full easily). We had some enjoying photos taking session before my father reach.

Finally, it came to the moments that I was so touched. 
1st present:) Folded by her ! Inside gt her wishes too^^

  Then, came to the 2nd present which she said to me before that I would need it:) I had guess for so long but still can't get it!

A blanket (I always told her that it is really cold staying at 24th floor) So touching when I saw this ! I just speechless for some moments before I gave a heart-warming hug :) Just want to express my feelings by a hug.

I always told her I get hungry so easily and her mum bought me theaw ^^ 

A memorable day :) I won't forget it ! Thank for everything you sacrifice for me :) I really appreciate it ! Thank you I said from my deepest of my heart ! You are like an angel, because of you, my life changed so much! I love you dear !

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Lesson learnt today
Whenever you stuck in the lift, try use all your strength to open the barrier(actually not really hard).
Today, I had my 1st experience to due with sudden malfuntion of the lift.(Lol , no more next time please!)
So, as normal people will do, I just keep pressing the alarm for 10+ seconds.
After a while , I heard somebody talking(I thought who was it, because I was the only 1 inside!).After tracking the small little noice, I found it is a communicator located just above the alarm button.
I heard a blur voice" Kenapa buat bising?! Saya mau makan la"
Lol, Instantly I knew it is better to open the gate myself then wasting time to wait for them to finish their lunch

By the way, yesterday and today I just had my unlucky day. Yesterday, my stomach was so uncontrollable painful that make me run miles  towards the petrol station's station.(Lol, when I came out then only I realized it is a female washroom) haha, luckily no female inside , orselse I definitely get a "Time Slap"!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today she sent me a funny picture ^^

Luckily, I'm staying  in a single room, or else someone may think that I'm crazy! Always look at the phone and laugh :)

You make me laugh, You make me happy and You Make My day Always. 

1 more month to go ^^ I will work hard for the final ! Dear, I love you :) Good night!  Have a wonderful dream(Yesterday,I had an awful dream but I forgot what was it already, just remember I kicked the wall! Sound crazy right?! Haha, luckily I didn't feel any pain in my leg).

Progress of the final

Nearly 5% out of 100 .Lol, I have been sleeping and skipping the classes for so long. It's time for me to catch up all the things in 10 more days. It will be the 1st exam for me in Engineering and I have no idea of what types of questions will be coming out. Hopefully, I can Do Well.

Good night world ^^ My stamina is so strong now, from 7am until 1 am .In the between, I only managed to take a very short nap only. As my friend said "You got extra energy because of having beloved girlfriend" Yup, I agree :) Haha, she did giving me a lot of mentally and as well of physically support. I always look at her and our photo whenever I feel tired and stress .Dear, love you forever :)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lab Session

Doing the Thermofluid assignment(Measuring conduction, convection and radiation)
The roof exploded suddenly during burning (Lesson learnt: Roof is made up of composites and there are many air molecules between each particles, the material is unable to conduct heat further which make it explode as all heat concentrated at 1 particular places)

Sunday, August 11, 2013


If you are following my blog recently, you may be wondering why I'm updating everything in relationship.

I update everything in blog, because I want to keep it as a memory.

When the time passes,both of us will get older, we may forget how we know each other?

How we manage every problems that surface and so forth.

"Love her, take care of her, is now my obligations to accomplish throughout my life".

I'm not a perfect man, I don't have the perfect physical body, Genius minded, or Champion in any sport meetings.

But 1 things for so far, I always feel inside my inner space and I'm for sure that "feel" is genuine.

I love her with all my heart.I'm willing to sacrifice anythings just for her . Sometimes, I asked myself ,do she knows that you did so much for her ? Is it worthy?

For a moment, I got the answer.

The most important things for me is not either to have your praises or so forth

But,it is MOST IMPORTANT to know that you are happy. That's simple ! There will be no regret . Xiao Fong Let me take care of you for the remaining life ^^

Love you forever

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Life is not how much you get hit, it is how much you get hit and still keep moving forward.

Feel free to watch this motivational video at Youtube.


Yesterday, we had a long long chat ^^

In front of you , I become hyper-active :)

We chat for everything, there is no secret between both of us.

I once read an article about relationship, what make relationship nowadays become so fragile? The main problem for the couple to separate is mainly due to the communication problems.

They don't talk out the problem to each other and hide it over a long period of time. This make them less understand with each other .

The most important for me is the' trust '. We trust each other so much :)

Friday, August 2, 2013








Love without border

Pictures tell stories...

Every picture of us have the hidden stories and memories...

Really miss the time when we are together, we talk and laugh non-stop ^^ Both of us will become extra talk active when we meet up ^^

Time will always flies, but love will never die

I really miss you my dear ...

2 more months to go ^^

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Blur Blur ~~

I'm more and more blur for the theories and concept recently.

The things getting tougher

The subject that I like the most is microelectronic(although I did quite bad in the midterm).

Microelectronic is very important is this era, all our 'smart' things are made by it.

Diode, Bipolar Junction transistor, JFET, MOSFET and so on ...

The more advance, the more complex and the more harder to analyse the circuit. I'm stuck and still trying to find alternatives out , LOL!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Today we are surrounded by "smart" technology. The technology evolves from macro to micro and now the scale of the technology is measured using nano. As we know, nano is the power of negative 9 , you can definitely imagine how the combination of engineers and scientists work in this environment. These things are so small that we cant even see with our naked eyes! They need special tools and instruments to view them.

Today , I have the 1st experience in handling of the infra-red. This infra-red gun cost thousand over ringgit and was imported from Sweeden. The uses of this infra- red gun is to detect temperature and so on.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Since the day I fall in love with you, I have dreamt of you for a number of times. I hope the dream would last longer each time .
We play around, make joke with each other, and give other a loving hug. You are so caring , always taking care of me like I'm a small kid.
Ya, I'm indeed a small kid infront of you ^^So,so,so childlish! But most often I just  want to make you more happier! I don't care about my self-image .
To me the most important thing is to see you happy, smile , healthy and so on. You are my angel .Each time I felt so happy when you tell me about some good news and of course seeing you SMILE. It's everything I need -LOVE. XF♥


So frustrated and dissapointed when the work I did for so long, you just simply say that I must be copy from somewhere.
To be honest, most of the time I'm more happier when I'm alone rather than hanging with so called "friend" that do not believe in you.

Finding a true friend is like finding a true love. It needs a lot of patient.

Monday, July 29, 2013


Nothing happened today , just that there are a lot of things to be completed. I hope I can cope with these challenges one by one.
My dear,no matter how tough is it, I"ll continue fighting! I have the obligation to take care of you^^ Thank you for giving me powerful mentally support!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Re-post the things that my girl typed.

I'm so touched!

Xiao Feng

It is nearly 2 years since the 1st day I know you^^

I still remember the date I started chatting with you .It was-7-12-2011-the last day in my secondary school life.

Through out these days , we had happy and definitely sad moments .Those early days , we always quarrel with small issues and then turned up to have the thought to let go each other.

But luckily, we manage it well and cope the each difficulties together .We hold our hand tightly and face the challenges together . Today , I am  proud that we no longer face the early problems and our relationship become very solid. This is our hardwork^^

No matter what I did , YOU are the person who gave me power, strength and the spiritual support to make me move forward.

Dear , thank you!


Half sem had gone. Tomorrow will be week 10 already, which also means that I have left kampar for more than 2 months.I miss my friends overthere, they are the person who will be around me whenever I face any problems. They are kind, generous and FUN! It is very easy to communicate with them .

But I'm  not doraremon , I dont have the tools to "time-travel"!The precious moments had passed and it has become a  memorable memories that I wont forget until the last of my life .Thank you , elvin soya alvina and so on.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Love You Forever My Dear

Just received a call from my mum ,and I was told that I need to go for a trip instead of going back to Penang.

It was kinda sad, I promised and planned everything ,even bought my ticket, but now all is just gone.

Luckily, there is 1 girl ONLY 1 girl , who is always around with me whatever I'm happy or sad. She told me I still can go back on September ,which is after finishing my final exam.

That girl, make my eyes shining with delight, because she said she will wait for me ^^

Dear, I love you, thank you for all the things you sacrifice for me ! I'll never forget it!

I promise I will treat you like a princess - love you ,take care you -is now part of my duty!

You are indeed my angel ^^Make my life colourful  and meaningful

Xiao feng !

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Declaration for Medical Profession

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the services of humanity;
I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;
I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity;
The health of my patient will be my first consideration;
I will respect the secrets which are confided in me;
I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honour and the noble traditions of the
medical profession;
My colleagues will be my brothers;
I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social
standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception; even under
I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.

Emotionally unstable :(

I need to smile although I'm so frustrated, I need to hide my anger although I really angry with you...

Sometimes, I just feel that I'm so dull and foolish, everything I did I think of you, but did you think of me when you done something? I doubt it ...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feeling so bad

Living in this world for 19 years already , but I still don't even know what are my interests !!!

Today, I was stunned by 1 of my adviser question and I'm totally speechless at that moment...
"Boy, Why did you choose this course"?

Well, I, myself don't even know how to reply and give  reasons for my stand...

Maybe I choose this course as it gives a prestige status ?
Maybe I follow my friend's footstep?
Maybe I don't want to let my parent down?
Maybe I don't want to against my parents view?

There are so many maybe but I can't exactly tell which are the 1 to make me choosen Biomedical Science ....

I know it is time to have my own decision, my own stand, my own view ...
By my adviser Dr Ng

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

People nowadays just getting smarter and smarter,and if we are not smart and not hardworking then it is sorry to say that WE ARE OUT ~

Monday, January 14, 2013

Degree's Life

Don't call me teacher or I will throw you OUT~!

Well,this is true...This was said by my structural biochemistry's lecturer...They are quite particular about the title to address them ...

1st day ,quite scare ...Class is fulled of many president list and dean list people...This make me really felt some stress...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Oh My Gosh

Today accidentally injured my dad treasure car while receding...

It was badly injured ...Haiz

Can't imagine when my dad saw it~~

Anyhow this would be a lesson  to recede slowly and carefully

New Life

Back to reality again ...

What I wish for my degree is to get  in the 1st class degree honour and my PTPTN will be transformed to scholarship...

But I'll not give myself lot of stress,everything I'll just try my best and the rest I'll handle to the GOD to decide~

Sport DAY

金宝山,hope next time can reach to the peak ...

At night played badminton from 8.30 to 11 ...Lol

Today my sweat gland must be very ‘tired' ...

By the way, I love the activities today ^^Nite world

Friday, January 11, 2013




Xiao Feng           ==========XF
Xian fei               ==========XF
                                                      [XIN FU]^~^






Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Biomedical Sciences

2 week's holiday is going to end soon...

And this means my degree life will start soon...

To be honest ,I'm quite nervous .I wonder how many male will be in my class???

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Stephen Hawking

Happy Birthday to  Great Britain Physician,Stephen Hawking who proposed the theory of everything...

Find out more in his book ,his life and work

New Task

After ordered 1 week,this 4 books finally arrived this afternoon...
It's quite blissful while reading books by great author...
Well ,I hope I can finished in 1 month...